Join Productivity Study


The Computational Wellbeing research group of Rice University is seeking for productivity study participants. Participants in a study of learning daily behaviors and working productivity will get up to $150 for 30 days research study period. This study will be conducted remotely.

If you are interested in participating, read the information below carefully, fill out our pre-study survey (

If you have any questions, please email us via

  • The plan: we will monitor your behaviors by your mobile phone, computer, (+wearable sensor), and short daily questionnaires. You may get feedback from us about your wellbeing status and interventions for improving.

  • To participate, you need to satisfy the following requirement:

    • Your age is between 18 – 60.

    • You are using a computer for work.

    • You are using smartphones (Android phone or iPhone).

  • How do we get started:

    • Fill out the pre-study survey to determine if you are eligible to participate online.

    • Due to the current COVID-19 situation, you may receive instructions from us online.

  • What do you do in the experiment?

    • This research study will be entirely virtual.

    • Install apps on your mobile phone and computer.

    • Wear a wearable sensor if you are assigned to a wearable group.

    • Answer a short online survey on each morning and evening.

    • Fill out another survey and take an interview when the experiment is over.

  • Potential risks & benefits:

    • We believe there are no known risks associated with this research study; however, as with any online related activity, the risk of a breach of confidentiality is always possible. To the best of our ability, participants' answers in this study will remain confidential. We will minimize any risks by encrypting all identifying information of participants.

    • There are no known potential benefits. This study will allow participants to become more aware of their productivity and other aspects of their lives.

Best Regards,

Computational Wellbeing Research Group

Principal investigator:

Akane Sano

This research study has been reviewed and approved by Rice University Institutional Review Board. If you have concerns regarding this study or questions regarding your rights as a study participant, please contact Joanna Espinosa, Compliance Administrator - IRB, at Rice University. Email: or Telephone: 713-348-3586.